L O V E (Installation)
Higher love. The installation L O V E transforms a space by writing LOVE in big over it. It has been done by now in 3 continents. The universal message and dynamic design create an ecstatic experience. People’s reaction : “I love it!”.
Working geometry, dimension, colors or the place’s natural elements, in a joyful and kaleidoscopic way it creates a vibrant image together with the site. In return the place gets more alive and engages people.
“LOVE” HAS activated in places such as luxury 1 Hotel & Homes, Nuit Blanche, Art Miami and beaches in Bahia.
Each LOVE is site specific, graffitis diverting the streets stripes, land art, architectural installations. The creation can also be performed as live show.
LOVE Tulum, created during Joe Dispenza retreat @ Barcelo Maya Resort